Financial Tune-Up - Part 9 Save Money a Little Bit More

Financial tune-up on how to save money a little bit more is an important aspect of going debt - free.  We are not alone for many have embarked on the same journey of living frugally.  It is a surprise because usually people save money less during a recession but this time, it is different for some are saving more!

It is not just the families in the middle class who are saving a little bit more for even those who are in the higher bracket economically are doing it, too.  And they are doing it happily.  They are cheerfully looking for ways to do it, intent on beating the Joneses with with their frugal strategies.  So how do they do it?

They usually cut their credit cards along with their movies, fancy coffee drinks, club memberships, cable and magazine subscriptions and their own hair.  For recreation, they borrow movies and books from the library and grow their own fruits and vegetables as well.  They say this is part of their financial tune-up.

They swap clothes, shoes and accessories.  In doing so, they do not think they are being cheap, just sensible and kind to the environment.  Others are worried though for if all turned thrifty, the economy could grind to a halt. This is not worrisome because high saving rates are linked to a strong economy.

Some people use coupons.  Sometimes they can get an item for free when they buy something on a sale and combine it with a coupon.  The weekly grocery and drugstore sales ads are good places to start.  The strategy to use this is to wait till the item is on sale.  This will certainly help put their financial tune-up on steroids.

Others who grow their own fruits and vegetables have their own saving money ideas.  For the blocks (the dirt the seedlings are grown) they use the plastic bags the grocery stores bag the purchases in.  They cut these into once-inch strips which they put in containers where the blocks go.  When ready to transplant, they can easily pull out the edges which help in not damaging the roots of the plants at all.

Another way the vegetable growers save money on is using the rotisserie container the grocery stores use to sell their chickens.  The container serves as a small greenhouse where they put the dirt in the bottom and plant seeds in them.

Another way these vegetable growers save money during the garden season is to improvise with using toilet paper tubes instead of buying blocks.  They cut the toilet tissue tube in half and put dirt in it.  The seeds go in next and there you have the starter containers that did not cost anything.      

There are certainly enough ideas here on how to save a bit more money that can either go paying off debt or in building an emergency fund.  We have more ideas on how to save a little bit more, so we will deal with how to save money with the pets and more on the next article about the financial tune-up.


Can you see the different ways to save money?  People who wanted to save a little bit more did it a number of ways.  They did it on how to save with coupons and on cutting credit cards, subscriptions and cable and concentrate on saving a little  bit more cash that can go towards paying off debt or building an emergency fund. 

Your Turn

Did we miss something here?  You must have your own unique ways to save some cash.  Please let us know in the form below.  We will appreciate it and so your friends you didn't know you had.  This is one way we can get ahead which is by helping each other out.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

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