Debt Free City, Guess Which One It Is

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Debt free city, which one can that be? In this day and age, it is a great feat to be in the black. How did this city do it? Who is behind this clean slate? How long has this been going on? What is the history of this great city? And most importantly, what's the name of this city?

What a lovely story this is! Imagine a city that is debt free and run by an 88 year young mayor, named Hazel McCallion who was a hockey player and today she still ice skates! She has been elected eleven times and folks, that means she has been at the helm for 30 years. And do you know what, each election she receives 92% of the votes. Allow me to let this video tell you the story.

Now you know the name of the city. And can you believe that mayor? No wonder Mississauga is doing well. She is such an inspiration to us all. She has outlasted eight prime ministers and is not ready to retire yet. Why? Because she said there are still challenges ahead. At least her only personal regret of not having been in a music video has been realized.

Why does Mississauga not owe any money? Responsible financial management does it. This and combined with their policies on forward planning helped make it a debt free city and with $700 million dollars in reserves for the next generation. They also have low taxes and plenty of jobs to go around.

The property taxes are based on needs of the municipality rather than the assessment of property. They also do not hand out incentives to businesses in the form of loans and taxes so it is able to stand on the incentives that are broad based like crime rates, transit, low taxes, and aesthetics. It runs on the philosophy that new development should pay for itself. It therefore can keep the money for future capital improvement.

The mayor as you know by now is Hazel McCallion who is 88 years young, a former hockey player and still skates. She is one who does not buy anything she cannot afford. Neither does she cheat the people who trust her. That is why they have voted for her eleven times.

Mississauga is not a tiny city; it's the 6th largest city in Canada and the 3rd largest in Ontario and was formed in 1974. The population as I write this is 729,000 residents who come from all over the world. It is Canada's gateway in the sense that the largest Canadian airport is located here.

For eight years in a row, Mississauga is considered the safest city in Canada. It offers sports, art and leisure facilities to all with eleven community centres. It is also a corporate capital as it is home to 50 Fortune Global 500 Canadian headquarters and 61 Fortune offices. It is also a green city with 23 major trail systems and 480 parks. Now, don’t you wish you live in a city like this that’s debt free?

This debt free city in Mississauga, Ontario is where I live six months a year, and it's no secret why I chose to live there. All said the 88-year young mayor was a hero in 2006 when she demanded a man during a police standoff to stand down so the police, firemen and paramedic could go back to work on more important matters.

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